Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thanks for Making LadiesIndyWrestlingDay a Complete Success!

On Tuesday, February 21, 2012, in an effort to continue to Support Indy Wrestling, we at @IndyMania (on Twitter) decided to make this day #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay. We actually got the idea for #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay after Sarah Sauerbrunn (@TwinkEStarr1 on Twitter) recommended a couple independent lady wrestlers to follow on Twitter Monday night. We, in turn, asked her for videos of her matches to further get the word out, and the idea for #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay was born.

We started Tuesday morning with a tweet which read:
"#SupportIndyWrestling We here at @IndyMania officially declare TODAY #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay. If you have any pics, videos or Twitters of Female Indy Wrestlers, Valets, Managers or even lady referees, send them to us and we'll tweet them to help get the word out and #SupportLadiesIndyWrestling"

Throughout the day we received MANY tweets from many helpful fans, promoters, and indy workers recommending female indy wrestlers to follow on Twitter. As a result, we followed about 30 new lady wrestlers, who we hadn't been aware of previously, and did brief "profile" tweets on roughly 40 lady workers. Wherever possible, we included where they were from, home promotion (if known), website and / or Facebook links, and match videos if provided or found. The response and encouragement we received throughout the day was overwhelming and encouraging. We appreciated, and responded to and / or Retweeted every single tweet we received (at least we're 99% sure we did... we sincerely apologize if we did not acknowledge yours).

Today's efforts and results in #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay couldn't have been possible without the help of the following people / promotions:
@WILD_Wrestling - World Independent Ladies Division Wrestling, who sent us every member of their roster who has a Twitter account.
@MarkJabroni - Who Retweets nearly everything we tweet to Support Indy Wrestling... an amazing indy wrestling fan who is more help to our cause than he probably realizes.
@TerraCalaway - A wonder lady wrestler from Las Vegas, NV, who gave us ladies to follow and helped spread the word about #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay with her own tweets.
@Traumacpw - Chaos Pro Wrestling, Joppa, Illinois - great recommendations, great conversation.
@havansent - Lily Winningham, a great fan from Arkansas
@ecwbabe - Kelly Key, a great fan from Missouri
@psyccho247 - an indy worker from Missouri, who sent us about 10 additional Twitter names of lady workers Tuesday evening.
And of course our beloved @TwinkEStarr1, who provided us with ladies to follow throughout the day, and whether she knows it or not, along with @WILD_Wrestling, was the original inspiration for #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay!
And there are many more fans and workers who Retweeted us during #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay to help spread the word and #SupportIndyWrestling.

Our sincerest thanks goes out to everyone who helped make today a success (even if we didn't mention you by name). At least we think it was a success. If one more fan was helped to become a fan of Independent Wrestling, or discovered a promotion or worker in his / her area in which he / she will help support, then today was a success. If one more worker receives a booking because of today's tweets, then today was a success. If fans and fellow male workers realize just how important lady wrestlers, managers, valets & even referees are to Independent Wrestling, then today was most certainly a success.

We will most likely be doing another #LadiesIndyWrestlingDay in the near future. As a matter of fact, tomorrow, Wednesday, February 22nd, we're planning to declare as #IndyWrestlingTagTeamDay. It could prove challenging to find as many established tag teams on the indy wrestling scene as we found ladies, but with YOUR help, we're sure #IndyWrestlingTagTeamDay can be a success as well.

Thanks again for your continued help to #SupportIndyWrestling!


  1. First, I would like to thank you for the follow and for mentioning and getting my name out there! Female wrestling is hard to come by sometimes and this blog should really help. I love the blog and appreciate the effort you are you putting in to support Indy Female and Male wrestling!

    Lexxi Luvv @peoplalwaysleve


  2. Thank you for your kind words, Lexxi. It's a pleasure to do it. Independent Wrestling will never die as long as people continue to support it. Whatever small part we at @IndyMania on Twitter can do to help, we will continue to do as long as we're able. It's a pleasure to meet such fine folks such as yourself and many others, fans & workers alike. Thanks again! #SupportIndyWrestling
