TOPIC FOR DISCUSSION: Over the past few days from our Twitter account, @IndyMania, I've seen some great examples of fans helping workers... workers helping other workers... people helping people. I've also seen some examples of the complete opposite type of attitude. Which brings to mind some questions: If we all help each other to succeed, aren't we helping the wrestling business to succeed as a whole? And if the wrestling business "explodes" again like it did in the 50s, 70s, 80s & 90s, wouldn't that help all of us to succeed? Isn't selfishness and an "all about me" attitude counter-productive? Why can't wrestling be like a huge pyramid "scheme", but one that REALLY WORKS? "I help you, you help me, WE ALL HELP THE BUSINESS"... All of us working together (instead of against each other) for each other, the business, and the fans. I know this might all sound far-fetched and some type of fairy tale dream, but with that type of attitude, continued hard-work and dedication, is another "Big Boom" era for Professional Wrestling that far out of reach? Can the next "Big Boom" for Pro-Wrestling start with the independent scene? Please share your thoughts, comments, and experiences on this topic. Thanks!
@IndyMania #SupportIndyWrestling

@IndyMania #SupportIndyWrestling

Leave your comments, suggestions, thoughts & experiences here, folks. Let's get the discussion going!
ReplyDelete#SuppportIndyWrestling #WorkersHelpingWorkers
So many bad shows out there ruin it for the good ones. If wrestlers would not work the bad ones and they shut down, the fans of good wrestling wouldn't have a bad taste in their mouths and support wrestling again.@austinlane1
ReplyDeleteI think so. I've worked a lot of shows where no one wants to help each other get better. However, at the current show I'm working for, Empire Wrestling Entertainment, everyone helpes everyone. After I finish my match, I know three or four guys are going to tell me what I did good and what I need to work on. That's how I feel things should be at wrestling shows! @WGA_JViper
ReplyDeleteI agree with @austinlane1 but also the workers need to strive to help promote and get better the bad shows are only bad cause the workers either haven't been properly trained or just don't care. If we all helped each other out and tried to better ourselves and the shows we work then yes we could see another big boom in pro wrestling and it could very well start in the Indy circuit, but until we work together it'll never happen. @chip_hazard83
ReplyDeleteI agree with WGA_JViper I have worked that show and everyone watches the matches and give positive feedback on what you did good and what you need to work on and if every show did the same we could explode with another wrestling boom period @chip_hazard83
ReplyDeleteI really like what you're saying in this, but the cut-throat aspect of the business will ALWAYS be there. There's always going to be someone stabbing someone else in the back for a spot, it's been that way since the business started. I wish everyone could help each other, which would help the business as a whole, but the key word is business. People screw each other over in the business world everyday to get ahead, the wrestling business is no different. As long as there are people trying to get ahead, there will always be someone looking to take your spot.
ReplyDeleteIt'd be great for that to happen. Depending on what company you go to, that's already happening. The problem seems to be that pro wrestling in general gets a negative stigma to it and people don't support it like they did years ago. The guys/girls making a living work very hard to stay busy and then the "weekend warriors" kill off any chance of credibility that could be generated. Therefore a lot of casual fans won't buy tickets because the mystique of it has been destroyed. A good product takes time to develop a fanbase because the casual fan thinks "same horrible thing we saw last time" and sometimes they never come around and support the product. Then on the inside, you have a lot of guys with undeserved egos that slow down the possibility of anything good being produced. It's the nature of the beast. At one time, wrestling was a closed shop type of business and now anyone can get in. Too many of them have made it infront of a crowd because they just think it's fun and jabs ruined it for those trying to be successful. You can only help those willing to listen, too many don't care/want to listen. Just my take from everything I've been around
ReplyDeleteWell the way I see it is that the Indy scene can be a good starting point for a boom in wrestling if done the right way. First off if it were actually possible for Feds to work together without all the egos it would be a good start but that will most likely never happen. Secondly if you are an experienced worker take time to watch others matches and give pointers where needed, because I prefer to work a show that is good from top to bottom as opposed to one or two good matches and the rest isn't even worth the time. The biggest problem with that is instead of trying to help those with less talent or ability or even less training people are quick to jump on that high horse and pick apart the business and say how wrong things are. The business is what it is and therefore instead of bitching about the way it's not how about trying to improve what you have to work with. Most but not all will listen when you give them criticism as long as you aren't being a total ass about it. Our business was built on all types, big, small, tall, short, thin, fat, average build, muscle heads and that is because people like different things. Gimmicks are great to fans because it gives them something to remember about an individual or a team. So basically instead of bitching about the wrongs help make the rights and start working together to help start toward a brighter future for the Indy wrestling scene. @psyccho247
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% bro @chip_hazard83
DeleteI think Cody and Eric covered this topic perfectly.